here are some things that i can't find on the internet.
1) Information about how black pepper like the shitty kind that you get in little tear away containers is bad for your intestines because it sticks to them like glue. I can't find that. But I know it's true because I heard a man at a salad bar talking about it one day and it seems true. So don't use shitty pepper even though this is not verifiable through something like wikipedia.
2) How to fucking grow cherries from the pits. I keep googling different variations of this question, and everyone's like, woah woah, not recommended, get this grafted cherry tree for 50 dollars. Hold on there, internet. I just want a pretty cherry plant. I don't care if it doesn't taste good or if it won't bear fruit for 100 years, I just want the plant, you know? Just, to grow. Up to this point I have learned something about putting them in the freezer to bloom? Though this seems like a disaster. Thankfully there are at least 2 botanists / science teachers in my family, why do I even check the internet when I can just tickle them for the information?