A really good example of innovation feeding back into the problem.
Other hall of fame innovations turned wrong:

splenda has no calories but it is making you die anyway

hand sanitizer kills bacteria but it is also creating super bacterias that will one day rule our lives

ditto for widespread use of antibiotics

globalism: cheaper skirts and shoes and cars rule. Except how those jobs got exported to India, and the increase of wealth has (surprisingly) not trickled down but rather created a devastating gap between the wealthiest and the poorest of people in these developing nations. Meanwhile, all we can offer is a resounding SOOORRRY to Detroit. Jesus, Detroit, I'm so sorry.

crabapples: a "crabapple" is neither a crab nor an apple. think it out.

chris brown: oh, i think you know.
I've clearly left plenty out, please contribute what you can to this list of almosts.