
what do whales eat?

has anyone ever watched the "future" disc in the planet earth box set?

when people come together there is the possibility for play, for discourse, or for separate madness. bodies placed together in a room can interact in so many different ways.


c.a.r. + a.c.m.


which one?

nerd class


andrew just taught me about wheat paste!
look out life, im about to get everything so stiiicky


green roofing

camera 1

camera 2

so awesome.
project by goode green

NYT Science Channel.

So great

Might I recommend A Minute With Wolves?

honey lets go everywhere

ice cream road trip

this morning there were enormous flaky pie crust snowdrops falling at my window - the kind that are amazing and wet and the size of flattened fists. the problem though is that none of them were sticking, so outside is the world of slushy-boot.

winter has been long. and bodies love sunshine.
let's get real - i only have 5 more days of work and then it's wide open spaces.

for the past 2 days i've been dreaming about ice cream but it's too cold to really get serious on it. let's go somewhere warm, ok? mexico? chad? nepal? i don't know, let's go


tunneling for evermore

this is how we meet the molepeople.
any dream will do

transofrmation station

when you make a life decision and share it with people, something beautiful happens where they want to support or identify or just commune with you in the new.

lately it seems like people have been dropping wisdom and love bombs left and right. im really thankful for this life fumigation

thanks you guys, lets kick it in 2010


octopus, nancy

if you know anything about octopi, you know that they are amazing.
nancy says that if you are in a room with an octopus, doing something that the octopus thinks looks fun, like bouncing a ball or twirling a pen or eating a crab, then when you leave the room, the octopus will climb out of its tank and do what you were doing too and then cover its tracks and get back in the tank.

i tried to find footage of this on youtube but instead found this sweet latin underwater freakshow. so great. question: are these not aliens?


There is more than just a nice face and making love.

Salon has this series called Americans Talk About Love.
It's super good, and really drives home the idea that what we are talking about when we talk about America is not in fact one whole thing.but.rather.infinite particles on one wild beast.

My favorite for right now is Gerd and Dina, German immigrants who met because their spouses were fucking. Enjoy!



guys, sorry i've been gone for so long. i should probably give you an update about what's been going on:

1) i quit my job. i don't even have another one. but quitting's the thing. you should do it too, it feels really good it's not even scary

2) i went to the blizzard. it's different than what you might think. but if you're reading this you are probably in the blizzard. so. sorry guys, i hope you can drive again soon. on the other hand, it's pretty amazing walking in the soggy streets of maryland. also in the snow there's no excuse not to cuddle.

3) im at a desk listening to donuts and reading ovid. anything can be real.

4) now that i don't have a job, ill probably get a dog and name him pablo.

so i don't have a job or a car or a new york state license or know anything about anything, and i can't help wondering what happens next, but i do know some things. for instance, look at this picture:

it's crazy.
also, go home and write and call your friend or your mom and then smoke and stay up really late and then read this poem. it's great.




In one small experiment on sexual response to food scents, vaginal and penile blood flow was measured in 31 men and women who wore masks emitting various food aromas. This was the study that found men susceptible to the scent of doughnuts mingled with licorice. For women, first place for most arousing was a tie between baby powder and the combination of Good & Plenty candy with cucumber. Coming in second was a combination of Good & Plenty and banana nut bread.

** important fact: the sexiest measured smell is a combination of lavender and pumpkins. this makes perfect sense about thanksgiving and the pilgrims.


birthdays everywhere

sometimes in the winter my romantic relationship with new york wears thin and gets crackly, like heavy boots on salt-sidewalks -no snow to be found

on sunday i had the opportunity to take a stroll down canal street - where arguably you can find anything in this great land; certainly guns and designer impostor perfume and abortions and rare vegetables. to name a few.

this sunday i found my birthday twin.

she was maybe 4 or 5 and had pigtails and purple barrettes and was walking hand in hand with her mom. she was asking when her birthday was and what a birthday was. literally intersecting my path. march 15th! says mom.
we both got really excited.


hey wally your house smells like delicious candles!

hey jessie, did you do anything fun this weekend?

hey annie - beach house is pretty great, i listened to a ton today and sometimes the lead singer sounds like steve perry from journey but you know, tougher.

hey joolie - topless massages were a great idea, but i can't feel my neck anymore!



if facebook has taught me anything recently i mean since yesterday, which mean a lot in these mediums, it's this:

there is an online community out there.

there is a community and they are invested in controlling language. it is not the burmese government. it is the ladies and gentlemen that contribute, counteract, elaborate, and out-participant one another daily on "urban dictionary". it's a game of control, and anyone with an AC adaptor can participate.

also while i was searching for more information i found this cultural artifact, which is literally fascinating for a ton of reasons:

but what i am most intrigued by is the bottom left corner, which mentions World War II as a turning point, after which maybe the creator of this cultural artifact feels like the chasm between liberal and conservative grew to large to bridge. was this person alive then? did a 70 year old create this jpg? i don't identify as either liberal or conservative - either way it is branding. i did receive a degree in english literature which no self-respecting conservative would do, however i also like oral sex a great deal and perhaps that leans me back towards the right. i smoke and don't wear underwear in the spring but occasionally i enjoy a coca-cola classic. once i worked for a man name francis. do you see what i mean? it's impossible to adhere to one political ideology anymore


chris elliott: a synthesis

young stud
creepy pirate
larry the camerman
irate snowplowman

such a body of work.
such an uncanny creep



budget, future

super interesting interactive graphic. our government's priorities. good thing i got this liberal arts major. see you guys in jail!