
time for taxes


hey ma



its march 25. what has even happened to the days? i don't even know. what is everyone up to?
here are some things that have been happening. 1) im wearing a sweatshirt 2) but its almost spring! 3) im going back to silver spring 4) but only for a little while this time, then im coming back to be someone's assistant/slave! 5) which is great news! 6) i know, i know im 26 now but 7) what even is a career? look at these hungry turtles!



i obviously have not yet seen "date night" but can already tell that this is an important relic we can leave future generations. more so than health care, more so than personal legacies, i am proud that my grandchildren might one day be able to zootn'reboot date night starring steve carell and tina fey on their mini-trons. also hot tub time machine.


But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted in pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days.

-Annie Dillard


if she was only ordinary ...




ahhh i have to surrender my computer!

here is a melody of everything i meant to put here before but now i can't because i don't have a computer anymore. please enjoy responsibly. american dreams all around. if you want to sell your crusty laptop, please let me know. if you want to sell it for bananas, please definitely let me know


im not sure

but i think i just read that unemployment covers 1/26 of your salary? this means that while unemployed i will make 12 dollars.

best GIF ever


i've never been able to properly explain myself in this climate.

ignore this terrible drug.

found: miss new booty

this is super pretty, but it's wrong in like 100 ways. or rather, instructions for food consumption cannot really be summed up in a triangle. i watched a ton of planet earth last night, including the last disc, "future" which was super chaotic and but chock full of really interesting brains. my biggest take-away was that, as resources become increasingly scarce, food intake will move from westernized, personal choice to basic availability - but what will be available in the future has a lot to do with personal choices right now.

i never thought about it like this before but its almost like you need to make a list of the top 5 things that are important to you - is it whales? seriously, is it? because krill are disappearing. i mean, there are a lot of different paths to take here and there really isn't a super clear route. that's why you will need to make a list. if you are able to distill things that are most important to you, then there can be food choices. oh yeah and protein or whatever but supposedly a lot of people get more protein than they even realize like from beans.

this example list if from 'FOUND' i really like the earnestness with which this person addresses their wine intake:

los abrazos rotos


i'd love to

found: jonah lehrer's blog

Bergson defined comedy as what happens when the mechanical is foisted upon the living, when man is momentarily machine-like