once jon moses told me about a smell quest he was taking.
there was a homeless man that lived in his library and every time he was roused and moved freely, the smell quest would begin.
a smell quest is when you smell something that is new or interesting, but i want to make the point that the quest is not necessarily a terrible smell, and i think we all know the difference. a terrible smell is when you come back from vacation and there are maggots (growing? do they grow? where do they come from?) living in your kitchen trash can. a terrible smell is when once i left a croc pot of stew in the refrigerator and then went to africa and then left the croc pot still and eventually meghan moved the croc pot to the back porch and then i had to before moving out of the house throw away the pot with the stew that was no longer stew but a rabid snutty-toothed walrus anus, in bowl format.
those are terrible smells. i think that bodies are capable of producing bad smells and even really bad smells, but they are also capable of producing just fairly interesting smells that are not technically "good" like how bunnies are good but not terrible, because when you arrive upon the quest there is intrigue, not gagging, and the mark of a truly terrible smell is when your gag reflex kicks in, am i right. also, please know that i am not in the medical profession and surely if i was i would know about terrible body smells.
ok so, all this is a preface to the fact that lately i have been on a number of smell quests and i don't know what is going on. this morning i woke up and kept smelling skunk. like i thought there was one outside of my window because it was so strong and crazy. and then throughout the day i kept smelling tumultuous fart. like raw eggs on toast. what is going on?
does the age old policy, the one who smelt it dealt it apply? because if these smells are me, i am entirely out of the loop with my body. if these smells are not me, then seriously, what on earth? how can i be on a smell quest if i do not know who is directing the journey?