at some point within the cluster i got repeatedly jostled by a mysteriously dopey man, who in hindsight was point man 1, pushing me into man 2 - an old grizzly bear in track pants and an "I heart DC" t-shirt. man 2 or "thief" was in a bad spot - hungry or super drugged i know not which, sometimes these conditions look really similar. anyway something felt wrong and i kind of turned around and saw this dude with his hand rummaging through my bag. we both kind of froze and i gave him my best animal-inspired "what the fuck" face and then pivoted around to grip both bags and grab my phone. man 2 scampered away, probably nervous that i was going to call the police, except that i know better to call the DC police because last time i did that they asked me for my social security number, and when i wouldn't give it to them things got awkward and then they hung up.
its a doggy heat, doggy beat tustle of a fucking world out there, i cannot hate on a man for spotting an opportunity to grab some shit. little did he know that inside of my wallet was 80 cents and a member card to the Y. in any case i wish him well. also im thankful to still have my wallet.