it's summer duh even though its not whatever the fuck june 21? first official? i care not - it's sweaty ball season and you can wear sandals and dresses so it's summer. i got burned eating breakfast on my roof so it's summer.
usually summertime marks the beginning of no drawers lyfe - i freeball, you know this. but lately there's been something new in my underwear routine that i wanted to talk about live on the internet. and that is no bra, or rather, abbreviated versions of the bra. listen, i have the littlest boobs that ever were. they are often rivaled by fifth graders, not that i am looking but just i mean, it's hearsay. when i was younger this was a source of severe booby consternation, and i hated my body and i wished my hair was blue and my name was tammy. but i grew out of wanting to be named "tammy" and i have grown out of wanting bigger boobs, which is why i stick to a new regime - no bra or sports bra.
the easy life.
and i have to be honest about something. i fucking love the way my little tiniest boobs ever look with minimal bra interference - i think they are special this way. i feel lustier this way, and summertime is all for lust and sun and iced tea and biting your boyfriend on the beard. or whatever you want to do, it's your summer.