last night my mom and i were on the phone for maybe 2 hours. obviously the talk got around to marriage, and when i asked my mom what she thought were the most important characteristics of a good marriage were she goes, without hesitation:
compatibility and communicationand i'm kind of like, hey girl, those are good answers, but what does compatibility actually mean? and then she started talking about her friend leonore and how she was super fat now, "like two people on her back" and how that was bad for marriage and then she started talking about make-up, and i knew things were going to go from bad to worse so i tried to steer the conversation in another direction and then we started talking about how my brother is shallow.
this morning on the train i noticed this 9/11 poster, they have a bunch up always about symptoms from working on or near the site and how you are entitled to cash if you have particular symptoms, and one poster was written in spanish and among the symptoms were "problemas de sinusitis" and i ask you, how many latin people do you know with sinus problems? i will answer that for you. most every. all. go find a latin person and ask them about their sinuses, and i guarantee you will be in for it. go find even a partially latin person, a 50 percenter; talk to me about my fucking sinuses, i have days of material: air conditioning oy, don't you ever touch my nose, etc.

back to mom.
i was kind of giving her a mentally hard time about how quickly any relationship talk / advice turns to physical beauty. because it inevitably does with her. but. then i remember that my mom was a kid in mad men times. she burned her bra and shit, but was probably wearing lipstick to do it. i understand where she is coming from, she was in the workforce in the 70's and 80's and had weiner bosses try and undress her, back her into corners, etc., so i cannot necessarily fault her for her perception of beauty and maleness and female beauty, all. the thing is though, times are a bit different. this is the 2000's baby, anything goes.
i want to say this.
i am not a beautiful woman. and i am not looking for handouts here. i know i am not a beautiful woman because i live in brooklyn, and every second woman is a number one stunna, like ready for publication beautiful. the publication might sometimes be like Delias, but that's still, you know, a sort of publication.
i will say this though.
i'm cute as fuck, and i like to laugh, i don't give a shit about where your jeans came from, and i like to eat. what i mean to say is, i do alright for myself, and i don't know how i would have fared in the 70's, and i don't know how i would fare in brooklyn as a single lady, but these things are not measurable, and i don't have a time machine.
do you guys feel me? beauty is different than for our mom's, right? certainly this is indicative of the background of my mom and her family - i am sure that you all might have moms that
don't suggest that you wear more make-up, but then again maybe plenty of you have to break it down to your moms like: yo,
if i get married, it will be BYOB and naw, i'm not trying to wear lipstick, and seriously, if i get fat as shit quadruple-chins gargle chocolate milk at bedtime, more of me to love, Ma!