
now hear this

news you can really believe in.

in other news, this morning i was dead tired because i stayed up all night learning about the west coast with azad. in other news, on my zombie march to the subway there was a little girl shrieking and crying and wheeling a scooter behind her mom. probably as a parent you develop ear muffs to when there is shrieking and crying, so when i walked by the mom was momentarily roused and was like, "what... uhhh, why are you crying?" and the little girl, through gobs of snot and tears and salt is like, "i'm crying because i'm coooold".

kids are the weirdest. i mean i wanted to cry too, because i was tired and cold, but years of social conditioning have taken away my ability to cry. now i have to rely on syrupy manufactured concoctions from the entertainment industry to find release. like up. jesus, have you seen up? i cried a ton. and it felt so great.

can someone help me cry? im ready for a good one.

in other news, jessie and i are ready to learn about austin. i heard there are breakfast tacos there. TACOS. for breakfast. in other news, we're all in the process of dying, chemical compounds are infiltrating our genetic make-up as we speak. so. what are you wearing? i'm wearing a sweater dress. it's warm like a sweater but cold like a dress.

what are you working on? i just applied to blog for the Smithsonian. a job for dreamers. rumors abound. getting paid to blog? like the first time you hear about waffles with syrup. what vitamins are you taking? im working on vitamins B and D. they make your pee an exquisite color that would seem to violate nature but in fact it's just right.

what are you cooking tonight? me, i say risotto or a BLT.

finally, this is detroit