1) the lady that sent me to the bathroom with the cup to pee in was like, when you get back, just put it on this black tray here, but when i got back and reached for the tray, she cut me off to take the cup and i was like, GIRL, THIS IS WARM.
2) the NP came back awhile later with a prescription, and i was like, oh, so i def need this prescription, and she was like, well, we don't know for sure, call us in 3-4 days if you still feel bad. friends, colleagues, NP's. Is it OK that I am taking prescription drugs for a maybe illness? Is it sustainable practice to hand patients antibiotics for maybes? I feel like this is how we contribute to the super-flu.
3) thank god for the everyman's doctor, the internet! upon which i found these natural alternatives to taking prescription drugs