
before shooting their first make-out scene, he proposed that they dance in his trailer so they could become better acquainted.

james spader, god bless



once in philadelphia sara took me to a cave made entirely of felt and soft. there are lights and beds inside the cave where you can curl up and tell stories. this is one of the greatest spaces i've ever had the pleasure of napping in.


hey now


i just went to the button store

inside i found gladys.

gladys likes brown buttons they remind her of chocolate.
this morning she had a vision and i was in it and then i came to her store!
she calls her children her diamonds and her grandchildren her baby diamonds.
she says a woman is a princess and when she marries she is a queen and her home is her castle to make.
she doesn't like credit cards or cigarettes.
she says to choose a clean man because when they look dirty you will have to break bad habits.
she thinks michael and i should get back together.
in 1962 she and her husband were always working but on sundays they would walk through central park and look at the leaves and then go eat a steak for one dollar and 19 cents.

she said if she had a piece of steak she would cut it into 5 pieces to feed herself, her husband and her three children.

thank you gladys, im so glad we met!


i don't have money for coffee this morning.
instead it will have to be the river euphrates.


vampire star

i was just listening to a ted talk and came upon gymnosophists - you know, naked philosophers. then everything became so clear - in the winter time it's hard to have quality naked time, because you spend so much of your day trying to keep warm; this means extra socks and hoodies to bed, this means hot showers and quick steps from towel to fuzzy sweaters. gone are the carefree summer days of nipples out.

i want to challenge you, fellow wintry-dweller, to spend this weekend as i intend to, practicing carefree naked time. quality, beautiful, skin and bones, self loving naked time. it'll be so good!


cabbages and kings

guys, king of carrot flowers part one is one of the most beautiful narrative stories i have ever heard. if this song was a book i would read it.


this time next year!

i call blue

i see your turkish otter

and raise you this pile of newborn otter cubs on a fuzzy blanket

john irving

"Bears, wrestling, New England boarding schools, violent accidents—these are the mere landscape details in much of my fiction."


annnd that's what it's like to feed a goat a marshmallow

it always seem to go

i want to thank everyone for hanging in these past few weeks.

i have purchased Q Tips.

sometimes, with bears

periodically i'll experience something really amazing and then get sort of hermity. this friday i saw an unbelievable soul show that melted my face into a puddle of saltwater and frolicking sardines.

seriously, i cried twice.

have you ever heard 15 people singing "you can't always get what you want" with all kinds of brass? it's magical. i just tried to find it on youtube and instead found this video called MAN CAN FLY! and i think that sort of gets at the experience of everyone in a room together, beating on the walls and floors and singing along with these beautiful old man soul relics.

the next night i found myself in a biergarten, swigging from cups that were genuinely the same size as my torso and talking with a delightful interior designer. interior designers are great - they know how to clean you up.
i kept asking this woman all these questions, i think i was waving the anxiety freak flag at full-mast, and she was like, girl, you don't need to ask all these questions. you just got to know what you are doing and why. and then do it. and then later you'll do something else. fuuck, i love reasonable people. they are so refreshing.

anyway there are some bands i feel like eh about seeing in town, and i'm being grump about it, like "nothing can compare, my cup she is full" etc but i just had this realization that i'll really be full when i'm dead. and then when im dead i won't be able to hear because my ears are getting donated to science, and the remains are being fed to alaskan bears, and then i will be full and dead.

in the meantime, you can't always get what you want is a really fucking good song, and numero group is putting out a ton of great songs. and, above all, when things get grumped, it's important to remember what those future time's boys say: heal yourself and move.

get ye to the dancefloor, fussybritches.


Chihuahua, Pit Bull Terrier Mix!?!!



i googled "warriors for love"

they certainly are.


(picnic, lightning)

endings are always difficult. rest in peace, jerry fuchs
it keeps coming till the day it stops

dream interpretation

in theory i'm so into this except all of the sites online are super sketchy and obviously operated by 14 year olds. the site i just went to had a smiley face emoticon next to the URL.

here's what it suggests about my dream of hair:


If you dream of finding a hair in a piece of butter and it does not disgust you then you will be fortunate in all your dealings.

this is bullshit you guys.


who said this?

"I am tired of secular fanatics trying to redesign America in their image,"

newt ging, or

jesus christ?

the answer is that they both did, because newt is now the same as jesus, because stringent religious belief is to the republican party what the casting couch was in 1970's hollywood - you've got to get on your knees to the religious right before getting cast in a starring role. no disrespect, jane fonda, you were a baller in klute.

but on the true, there is a new war coming and a new world order brewing and, according to some random though one hundred percent sane member of an audience in a press conference with his regal beagle, Newt, there is a new berlin wall being built, not in berlin, but this time, right now, being built in dc. the berlin wall.

" A man in the audience stood up to say that over the past nine months, the Berlin Wall "is being reconstructed right here" by Obama and congressional Democrats. "At the end of four years, is it not likely that a lot more people will be rediscovering God through tyranny?" "

I would love to discover God, but I'm too busy bent over all these bricks, Newt. Dan Brown did not prepare me for the lower back pains associated with Masonry. Pretty soon I'll be arched just like my sickle!

"The underlying move toward a secular socialist worldview has been going on now at least since the early '90s," Gingrich answered. "The great Reagan Revolution defeated communists overseas, but it didn't defeat the left here at home."

I'd like to respond to that, Newt, but I'm too busy reciting state prayers, err, manifestos to Chairman Obama.

PS, I'm so over pill-popping adulterers talking to me about my relationship with Jesus Christ. If I wanted to experience religious guilt from people on morally questionable ground, I'd just go home for the weekend. Or to motherfucking Vatican City, dickwad. You can learn more about Newt's conversion and aspiring Presidential hopes here or about his drug problem here



can you describe a person as wonderful/terrible, or should you just call them average?


are these highlights/lowlights important to note?


experimenting with this questionable blog by this wonderful/terrible woman

the greatest hits:

1. important people drink diet coke! BUT drinking diet coke will not make you important.

2. a guy who loves you doesn’t cum on your face- especially if he hasn’t met your parents!

3. the new vadge coif for fall: bare on the bottom, full on retro bush on top. not only does it look great in a photo, it’s totally helpful/conducive to having your pussy licked and loved.

10. clean out your fucking closet you trash hording filth monger! and i mean that in the NICEST way!

7. in a perfect world, you’d only be having sex with guys who, if they accidentally got you pregnant, you might not even consider having an abortion. Stay in school though kids.

maybe rabbi scott was right

you should go see a simple man


this week at work

i have been called a luddite and a stoner.
but by people that i don't even really know.

well, which one is it guys?

the harmonious coupling / my soul:

watch it in french for a kick in the pants:

the walker


excuse me, imperial guard

last night it became clear.
i am in love with tina fey.

dizzy edge

the intro to "just like heaven" makes me feel the same way it did when i was 12 and would get sweaty palmed over henry upton or jared leto. moody drums and bass? stop it.
"why are you so far away?!!" this is clearly the best song to have a crush to.

there is a distinct period in my life that can be measured in flannel, looseleaf, and mix tapes with like "jumping someone else's train" that ended up on the floor of mom's nissan on the way to school.


He carefully put the counterfeit penny, dated 1970, down on the counter, counted out enough change to pay $11.90 for a Hustler magazine and left.



yeah i'm kinda goth



do you guys remember when it came out that the "Brontosaurus" was a mistake? All along it was this bama Apatosaurus with like the wrong neck.


"If this is the world we helped create," guitarist James Suptic said, after looking into the crowd at a reunion gig, "then I apologise."


on second thought

why wasn't anyone mackenzie phillips for halloween?

november, 6 42pm

it's completely black outside, and not quite cold.
there is a man dressed in shredded newspaper. his skin is brown, and he has smeared his face with black halloween paint. presumably halloween paint, though it's sort of thick.
in the men's bathroom someone has clogged the toilet - the janitor is flushing once twice three four times.

fortunately i got craisins.

tuesdays are for creeps

fortunately my mom just sent me this video of an elephant giving birth!


human after all

sailing to byzantium + da funk

i just accidentally saw god.

the The

dear ben

you stay out late
drink a ton
wreck pistachios
and are an exuberant farter
on halloween you were King of Puppies

when will you start blogging?
i think we deserve an answer