-refuse napkins: just use your sleeve!
-use your diva cup as a juice cup when it is not inside of you
-make your boyfriend make your lunch. that's what the hippies did i think. sike that's just what harrison ford does at the end of working girl and it's nice.
- 1 potted plant per 100 square feet of your home or office can effectively remove toxins like formaldehyde from the air. try english ivy, spider plants, lilies, or bamboo like a little panda.
- stop buying antibacterial soap. antibacterial soap is really bad for our oceans and it is contributing to the SUPERBUG seriously read this : http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/14/health/14well.html?_r=1&scp=9&sq=superbug&st=cse anyway soap is soap it's cleaning you i promise, antibacterial is just something that johnson's and johnson's does to freak out suburban moms
- wear a lot of tie dye and burn your bra
- if you take birth control pills, make sure that you are also receiving some sort of vitamin B supplement. birth control strips your body of certain elements, and this is one of them. this doesn't really help the earth per say, but it helps grow populations of healthy people that can take care of the earth
- sometimes when you are eating a seeded fruit or vegetable, plant the seeds when you are done. growing your own food is fun and the environment loves it when you have fun
- if you really love the earth, you should look at it when there is no gravity like this insane man did. this is insane.