

this summer has been pretty amazing so i am not trying to hate on it, but seriously now we're in the heat wave and it feels like a wet steamy washcloth is breathing on your forehead and licking your kneecaps. and that's intense. yesterday afternoon i was thinking about how unsafe and inhuman it is to have to be outside in this kind of weather, let alone participating in physical activity. and that's when it struck me - this is fucking pre-season weather.

it is the time of year when we used to wake up early, run laps, and then try and make ourselves sweat and be as physically uncomfortable as humanly possible. for high school sports. outside. take a few heat-puke breaks, and then keep running. so sick. so job, you're sort of silly, but today i am thankful that i am not in the indian run or doing wall sits in 90 degree weather, wiping puke off my chin responding to coach ward's solution for ridding yourself of cramps.